Summer Routine 101

As college students, summertime presents us with an exciting opportunity to relax and reset from the previous school year, and with a million different ways to spend your time, it can seem like summer just flies by without ever having a chance to do the things you thought you would!

As you make your way through the summer, a schedule and routine can drastically help make the summer feel a bit less chaotic and a bit more restful. When a routine is in place, your mind and body can begin to permanently adjust to their surroundings, thus decreasing decision fatigue in your day-to-day life.

Below, we’ve included an example of a summer routine that we like to practice, but we encourage you to find a routine that works for you and stick to it! We’d love to hear from you! To share your summer routine, visit us on Instagram and tag @AU_Panhellenic.

7:30 am: It’s time to wake up! There is no greater reward than waking up early and having the whole day ahead of you! Find a time that works for you and stick to it!

7:45 am: Get moving! Some of our favorite ways to move are to go on a walk with a friend, listen to a podcast on a jog or do yoga in the mornings while it’s still cool out! You’ll get your endorphins flowing early for the rest of the day.

8:45 am: Grab some breakfast and get ready for the day! Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day! If you’re in Auburn, you can grab a fresh bagel from Big Blue Bagel or a cup of coffee from Well Red and begin to plan your day over breakfast. If you’re home for the summer, find a local breakfast place and enjoy your first meal of the day!

9:00 am: Let’s get to work. Whatever you’re spending your time doing this summer, whether it’s working at an internship or taking summer classes, it’s best to get your work done early in the day so you can spend the later hours relaxing and preparing for the next day.

12:00 pm: YUM! Time for lunch. After working hard this morning, it’s time to reward yourself with a delicious and fueling lunch. Grab a glass of water and a turkey sandwich and take a breather, you deserve it!

1:00 pm: Girls just want to have FUN! That’s right, who says you can’t have a little fun in the middle of each day?!? Find something quick and fun to give yourself a mental break in the middle of each day. This can be doing a little artwork, laying outside in the sun, or even reading a good romance novel. Whatever it is, make time for something fun each day!

2:00 pm: Back to work. Take the afternoon hours to finish up any lingering projects you had from earlier in the day. Now that you’ve had a little break, you can hit the ground running until it’s time to call it quits for the day. But until then, finish strong!

6:30 pm: Dinner time, let’s eat! After a long day, not much can beat a nice warm meal. Whether you’re eating in peace and quiet or looking forward to sharing a meal with family or friends, take this time to reflect on your day and be thankful for everything that happened! It was another long day, but you did it.

7:30 pm: You made it!! The rest of the evening is yours to spend as you please and to prepare for the following day. Gauge what your mind and body need at the end of each day and give them that. If you’re in need of a little extra self-care, take a hot bath and wind down, or if you’re in need of a little extra girl time, call up your besties and have a Facetime date! It was a long day, and you should reward your mind and body in the ways that they need it!

Creating a summer routine can be difficult at first, but once you find one that works for you and you stick with it, it will bring so much peace to your daily schedule! After you’ve created your summer routine, you can begin to take it with you into every season of life and tweak it here and there for what will work best. We’re in this together!


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