How to Fall in Love with the Summer Season

Summer vacation is in full swing and we’re excited to take time to rest and recharge before school starts back in the Fall.

As excited as we are for summer vacation, though, we know it can also be difficult to transition for a season away from Auburn and back to life at home. While some of us are still in a
Auburn, others are hundreds of miles away, but no matter where we are on the map, we encourage you to find peace and rest in the summer season!

The summer season offers some of the best weather coupled with the best food you can experience throughout the course of the year and there are a million opportunities to fall in love with the season each day, you just have to look for them!

Summer provides us with an opportunity to rest and reset. Take this time to sleep a little longer, focus more on self-care than you normally would and take part in activities that make you feel relaxed and refreshed. It’s not every day that we have extra time to go to bed later or spend a few extra minutes chatting with our family. When the opportunity to rest and reset presents itself throughout the summer season, take it!

There’s not a better time to enjoy the great outdoors than in the middle of the summer. The days are longer and the sun rises earlier. Take this time of extra sunlight to soak in the world around you in whatever way you can. Maybe you could go on a hike with a sister or sit outside with a friend for a picnic? Whatever way you decide to enjoy the outdoors, find joy in the scenery and warmth the world around you provides. Soon enough, the leaves will be gone and we’ll be seeking heat indoors, so enjoy it while you can!

Reading a new book pairs with the summer months just as well as chocolate syrup pairs with vanilla ice cream: PERFECTLY! Take some of your extra time this summer and pick a new book to read. It’s not only a great way to relax, but it’s an awesome way to learn something new in a different and exciting way. Often during the school year, we only have time to read for our classes, but summer provides us with a chance to read for pleasure as well.
After you move away from home and go to college, summer can feel a bit different than it did when you were younger. Regardless of where you’re located or what you’re spending your summer doing, there are a million little ways to fall in love with the summer season if you choose to look for them!

We can’t wait to see you back in the Fall, but in the meantime, enjoy your summer vacation!!


Summer Routine 101


5 Things to Do in Auburn Over the Summer