Spring 2021 Panhellenic Grade Report

The Auburn Panhellenic Community prides itself on promoting education in each of its chapters as one of the number one pillars of sorority life.

Just as the Auburn Creed states, Auburn Panhellenic "believes in education and recognizes that education gives the knowledge to work wisely and trains the mind and hands to work skillfully."

Frequently, the all Panhellenic grade point average per semester is higher than the all undergraduate women’s grade point average, and the Spring 2021 semester was no different.

The all undergraduate women’s GPA for the Spring 2021 semester was 3.24, while the all Panhellenic average was 3.48. Without the hard work and dedication of each of the members in all 18 of the Panhellenic sororities, this honor would not have been possible.

At this time, we’d like to recognize the top 5 chapters with the highest overall grade point averages for the Spring 2021 semester. Congratulations!


Fall 2021 Panhellenic Points Winners


Summer Routine 101