Moments of Quiet Joy

Most of us have traveled home for the summer or begun our travels around the world. While it can be easy to get swept up in the excitement of time spent traveling, working, or exploring, it is important to take time to cherish these moments. This time with our family and friends is short and sweet, and we can often forget to appreciate the little things. Some may be anxious to get back to Auburn in the fall, but if we take the time to enjoy our family and friends we don’t get to see as often during the school year, it can make our summer that much better. 

Jesus often speaks of not placing your love in false items, and to love your family and friends. While home for the summer, focus on loving the people around you. The little moments in the kitchen with your family, or going to the mall with your friends, these little moments are what fulfill our lives. I'm sure many of you have made new friends while you were away, so don't forget to keep in touch with them either. Staying close to your friends and family is one of the most important things you can do to find joy in your life. 

Do not forget to cherish the little things. The little moments you spend with your family, the places you travel to with friends, or even the little fights you may have with your siblings: all bring joy to your life, and you cannot forget to cherish every moment. I want to remind you to be joyful in all circumstances and have a safe and fun summer! 

“A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”  John 13:34 

- Karleigh, Director of Spiritual Life


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