Finals: Study Spots, Tips, and More

As we approach finals and the end of spring semester, we wanted to offer you our best tips, study spot ideas, and advice on how to succeed! Finals week can be stressful, and it is so important to set ourselves up well. Panhellenic is so proud of our community for again completing a semester and having outstanding grades. Congratulations, girls!  

Study Tips & Tricks:

  1. Stay Well-Rested

Sleep is always important for us to stay our best, and finals week is no exception! Make sure you fuel and rest your body so that you can focus and do well on your finals.

  1. Get Outside

Even though it might be easy to stay in the library studying, getting some sunshine will help you study with a smile! Go on a walk with a sister, or bring your books to a table outside of the student center.

  1. Remember that Exams do not Define you

Finals can be overwhelming and it can sometimes be easy to compare ourselves to our friends. But, we know they will be over soon, and summer is on the way

Best Study Spots in Auburn

  1. Lowder Starbucks

  2. Rooftop of HHH

  3. RossHouse Coffee

  4. The Rec Center Pool

  5. Red Barn


Auburn Panhellenic


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