Be Joyful

I can’t believe that the Semester is already coming to a close. Finals week is now upon us, and to me it seems like this semester has just flown by. As the semester ends it might seem really daunting to head back home, start a new job, enter into a big internship, moving out of your place, and leaving all of your college friends. Trust me, I get it my friends joke that I have separation anxiety, change can be scary and overwhelming. But as change come there is so much
to be grateful for from this past year and everything that is going to happen soon.

There is so much to look forward to and so much to be thankful for. During this time, I encourage you to reflect on this past semester and all the things you may be grateful for. I am going to share a portion of my list with you.

  • Walking around campus and seeing the trees grow leaves and flowers bloom again

  • Passing my classes

  • Having wonderful friends

  • Getting a new internship

  • Finding my new job passion

  • Being able to attend church every Sunday

  • Sunday night dinners

  • Living with my best friend

  • Getting my Auburn ring

  • Seeing Samford lawn become full again with people hanging out

  • Being able to open my window and smelling the fresh spring air

  • When my friends buy me flowers

These are just a few moments from this semester that I am so grateful for and joyous about. While there are so many more, I could share with you, I encourage you to find your own moments.

Psalm 16:11 “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy: at
your rights hand are pleasures forevermore.”

- Meghan, Director of Spiritual Life


What to Wear for Recruitment


Finals: Study Spots, Tips, and More