Fight to the Finish

As March comes to an end, we are faced with the reality that spring break is over and finals are right around the corner. While excitement is building for the summer, it is crucial that we make it a priority to finish the semester strong. With finals quickly approaching, it can be easy to start slacking and get distracted with end of the year activities. It is important that we remember that our main purpose at Auburn is to succeed academically, even during this busy season. 

The combination of academic, involvement, and social responsibilities during this time can be quite overwhelming. After spring break, the exams, projects, and papers due dates can seem to all fall on the same days and it can be hard to manage it all. This is why the power of perseverance is such an amazing trait to have, and we must continue to work hard. In 2nd Chronicles 15:7, Jesus says, “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” In this Bible verse, Jesus is talking to YOU. He does not want you to give up and he wants us to finish our semester strong. As hard as it can get in this last month Jesus is here supporting us. 

 Whether this is your freshman year or your senior year, finish strong. Finals are approaching, projects are nearing their deadlines, and our calendars are filling up, but summer is right around the corner. While this time is stressful and demanding now, it is important to remain present in the moment and cherish our short time at Auburn. Staying strong until the end of the semester can seem daunting, but with Jesus and strong friendships we can find the support to fight to the finish.  


“Let us not become weary in doing good, for the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”  Galatians 6:9 

- Karleigh, Director of Spiritual Life


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