Embracing Change

With the school year coming to a close, summer will look different for everyone. Some may be working locally while others may be traveling around the country. One person could be doing their dream internship while someone else may be pursuing their Master's degree. For seniors, they may not know what the summer will bring and that is okay. In today’s society, there is this stigma saying that we all must have our whole life figured out ten years in advance. This is a lie that we should not believe. Truth is, most times we do not know what our next step is going to be and that again is okay. The future is full of possibilities, yet sadly we can’t see into that future. I am someone who loves to plan so I find it hard to blindly trust what the future will hold. Yet, when we realize that the future is not in our hands we can experience true freedom and peace. 

I am guilty of stressing about the future and this stress often strips me of my peace. I tend to worry at night focusing on what the future will look like, but this is not how we are called to live. The future is going to look different than we imagine and that is a blessing. The unknown of the future and the potential for change is what helps us grow into who we are meant to be. John Maxwell once said “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” This quote speaks to the power that change can have in our lives when we embrace it. Rather than being scared of change, we can shift our mindset and realize that change produces growth. It is in the struggles that our character is tested and tried. The future may be full of many struggles, but we can have confidence knowing that the struggles and unknowns of the future are molding us into the best versions of ourselves if we let them.


Auburn Panhellenic


Do Not Fear


Fight to the Finish