Live Fully

Life can pass by so fast. One day you are beginning your first day of high school and then the next thing you know you are now a college senior. Life is full of so many amazing moments, but too many times we let them pass by. I know I am guilty of worrying so much about what is next that I forgot to focus on what is happening in the now. We fill our calendars with all the events to come and look only to the future. Especially now with social media, it can be so easy to compare how your life looks versus someone else's that you become too busy comparing to appreciate life. Life is best lived when you are living in a state of gratitude. 

Gratitude is when you appreciate life and show appreciation for the things you’ve been given. People who express gratitude are typically more joyful people. They live life taking in every moment and not wishing for the next one. The key here is every moment. They don’t only focus on the “big moments” like traveling or getting the dream job. The small moments like calling a friend or receiving a compliment can be celebrated just as much as the big moments are. It is all about our perspective and how we view life. We are given the opportunity to have a positive outlook on life if we decide to. It is up to you and I to have this positive outlook and appreciate everything around us.

As this school year is coming to an end, I urge you to try to celebrate every single moment. It doesn’t matter how big or small it is, just relish in the moment and enjoy it. Don’t feel the need to compare your life to everyone else’s you see, because oftentimes things are not as good as they look on the outside. Everyone is going through something that you may not be able to see. Focus on your life and how to enjoy it. We are only given one life here on this earth and it's our job to make the most of it. No one wants to get to the end of their life and be filled with regrets about the way they lived. Don’t let life pass you by without being grateful for it.


Auburn Panhellenic


Fight to the Finish


In the Moment