Delighting in the Mundane

Life is full of many different kinds of moments. There will be moments that are exciting and full of laughter. Times where you never want it to end because you are so full of joy and gratitude. Then there will be times where you are wishing they would end because they are either difficult times or just boring times. It can be easy to only focus on the good times, but constantly hoping for the next exhilarating moment wishes away the moments at hand. There is purpose in every moment, good and bad. Some days may seem simple and not full of fun, but those are the days that can deliver rest. There may be a day where you have to wait in traffic, but that day is teaching you patience. Every day supplies us with something new to learn whether we want to learn it or not. There is intentionality in every moment we experience as it works to mold us more into who we are meant to become. Social media can often paint a narrative that you have to be constantly traveling, hanging out with friends, and doing the next best thing. Feeding into this lie will only make you empty because once the moment is over you will be seeking the next picture worthy moment instead of cherishing the one at hand. Instead of looking forward, we should all focus on the now and be grateful for all moments, good and bad. Every moment has its purpose and so much joy can be found when we delight in the mundane.


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