Women’s Empowerment Week: Spotlight

Happy Women’s Empowerment Week! This week is dedicated to empowering the incredible women we have here at Auburn University. Both within and outside the Panhellenic community, Auburn is a place for strong women who work hard. 

At this time, we would like to recognize an outstanding Panhellenic woman.  

Robin Weaver is a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma. According to her sisters, she is “always willing to help others. Whether that be playing in our intramural games when a sister could not make it, or even helping with homework.” 

Robin is described as motivated. Her sisters say that “as an aerospace engineering major, she is dedicated and always striving to do the best she can in her classes. Her motivated attitude and drive makes her a great asset to our sisterhood.”  

Besides Tri Sigma, Robin is also involved with the Society of Women Engineers and Undergraduate Research.  

We are so proud of each Panhellenic woman we have here at Auburn. We hope you all have felt worthy and empowered this week!  


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