What to Pack in Your Recruitment Bag

Recruitment is just around the corner, and Panhellenic is working hard to prepare for the arrival of our sweet Potential New Members! We are so excited for this year’s Recruitment, and can’t wait to see your smiling faces in August.

With that being said, we have put together a few essentials to make sure you pack in your recruitment bag. The best part is that everything you’ll put in your Recruitment bag will come in handy later on your next vacation or weekend trip with friends!

These items are not mandatory by any means, but have been helpful for other girls during the Recruitment process in the past!

  1. A Good Bag: The first thing you’ll need is a tote bag large enough to carry everything you might need, but small enough to carry around comfortably. It might also be a good idea to pack a trash bag in case it rains, so you can just put your tote inside of it!

  2. Mini Handheld Fan: It gets really hot and humid during the late summer in Alabama, and during Recruitment you will be standing outside a LOT! Amazon sells several great options for these fans, and they are definitely a game changer on the super warm days.

  3. Blister Bandaids: You will be standing and walking for long periods of time throughout Recruitment, and unfortunately, blisters might be inevitable. Blister Bandaids will be your best friend!

  4. Snack/Protein Bar/WATER!!: During Recruitment, you might have multiple parties back to back that make it difficult for you to go and grab lunch or dinner. Be sure to pack snacks and to drink LOTS of water!

  5. Perfume, hairbrush, deodorant, and makeup: In between parties, you might have time to reapply the essentials to freshen up.

  6. Breath Mints: Mints will be your best friend during Recruitment between parties because you can freshen up without chewing gum during a conversation in a party.

For more information and tips/tricks on all things recruitment, be sure to check out Panhellenic’s Pinterest page! We can’t wait to see you all soon!


Auburn Panhellenic


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