Preparing for Finals Week 

As another semester comes to an end, we have put together some tips to ensure a great Finals Week. This week can be really difficult and stressful on our bodies, so make sure to take care of yourself! Panhellenic is so proud of our community for again completing a semester and having outstanding grades. Congratulations, girls!  

Get outside 

  • We know that getting out in the sun can help with our mental health. Go on a walk with a sister or sit outside the Student Center when studying! 

Get enough sleep 

  • Sleep is so important to our bodies! Make sure to fuel your body so you can focus on studying and crushing those exams. (We know you can!)


  • Exercising is a great stress reliever! Whether it’s a walk or a quick trip to the gym, it will help alleviate stress. Try it this week!

Remember exams are not everything 

  • We know that exams can be so overwhelming, but know they will be over soon! Summer is coming!! 

    Good luck on all the exams this week!  


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