Finding Rest

Welcome back to Auburn! I hope your semester has started off well. Although you may already be overwhelmed by how many things you are committed to, how much work your classes are going to be. You may be looking at your already busy calendar wondering where you can find time to grab coffee with the friends you haven’t seen in a month, all while trying to make sure you have time for the socials, school work, and maybe a job. Your calendar may look overwhelming and the semester hasn’t even really started yet, and you were hoping this semester would be more restful because there’s not five home football games in a row.

Over break I finished reading "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" by John Mark Comer. I highly recommend the book because it provides very practical ways to slow down your life. This book walks through Matthew 11:28 - 30 which talks about how following Jesus can provide rest for your soul. Comer talks about the importance of following Jesus' practices and then shares some ways that he has overcome his own "hurry sickness". While you may not personally follow the Lord these are still practical ways to rest your soul. Some of the things listed are for people who want to grow in a deeper discipleship with Jesus while others can be used by anyone. After reading this list I encourage you to build your own list of ways to ruthlessly eliminate hurry. (Oh, and maybe read this book because wow what a life changer).

1. Wake up early and spend time with the Lord.
2. Surrender what lays heavy on your heart to the Lord through prayer.
3. Be thankful for what you get to do.
4. Get in the longest line at the grocery store.
5. Drive the speed limit.
6. Don't multitask, or how Comer phrased it Single Task.
7. Give your phone a bedtime (mine is currently 9:30pm).
8. Walk slow.
9. Cook your meals.
10. Limit your tv time.
11. Drive without music.
12. Regularly take time for a Sabbath. (If you are not a believer this can be a day or a series of
hours that you spend alone and in silence. Like a walk around the park/campus, reading.)
13. Set a time for social media. (If you are someone who checks your mail a lot too, set aside a
time where you allow yourself to go onto these platforms).
14. Come to a full stop at stop signs. 15. Don’t go on your phone for the first hour you are awake in the mornings.
16. Find time to exercise. (Go for a walk, run, do some 10-minute yoga, move your body).
17. Go into the bank to deposit money instead of the ATM.
18. Order your lunch at the longest Grubhub time (if you have a long lunch break).

Now most of these are from the book but I encourage you to make up your own ten item list of ways you can slow down your life. We are entering into a new semester and a new season of busyness. Remember you are not in a hurry.

"Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon
you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”. Matthew 11:28 - 30

- Meghan, Director of Spiritual Life




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