Defining Your Year

January 1st is the day that many people decide they are going to change their whole life. New year, new me, right? Sadly 75% of people give up on their decided “goal” within one month of the new year. So instead of choosing a singular goal have you ever considered defining your year. What I mean by this is picking a word that you want to define your year and setting smaller goals, and habits that help you accomplish this. I hope that this can provide you some encouragement for fresh way to start your year.

In 2020 I started setting new year's goals differently, instead I chose a word and really focused on that word during the year. In 2022 my word was “fire”. I chose this word because I wanted to be “on fire” in everything that I did. I learned what my passions are in so many different parts of my life, and I began to find joy in the little things. For me instead of setting a specific goal I chose a word and grew within that word. I learned so much about myself because
I searched out that word in all things, and challenged myself to really be “on fire” for life.

This word can be anything: rest, hope, joy, love, bravery, passion, surrender, laughter, patience, health. Some questions to think about as you choose how you will grow in the next year are: What are some things I enjoyed about 2022? What are some things that were difficult about 2022? What areas of my life do I want to see growth? How do I want to feel at the end of 2023? These are all simple questions that allow me to do some self-reflection and really dig deep
into where I would like to be at the end of the next year.

After I do this, typically I look up the definition of the word, find a verse in the bible that provides encouragement for this word, or even define what this word means to me. Once I understand what I am committing myself to I write smaller goals that lead me to focusing on this word. This word is whatever you want it to be, it can be a strong focus of your year, or it can be in the background. For me I like to reflect on my smaller goals and this word definition periodically throughout the year to continue doing self-reflection and looking at areas of my life where I can continue to grow. As you reflect and choose how your new year will go, the final question you need to ask yourself is: What does 2023 mean to you?

Remember that you don’t have to change anything or set any goals for the new year; it can start like any other day. You are loved, worthy, and cared for no matter what decision you make.

Lamentations 3:22-23
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

- Meghan, Director of Spiritual Life


Finding Rest


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