Finals Week Motivation

As we come to the end of another spring semester, we can't help but look back at all of the amazing things we accomplished over the past few months. In the middle of a pandemic, we were able to complete our classes and accomplish more than we though we could and we have finally made it to the end! As you begin this final week of exams, be sure to take time for yourself and finish strong in whatever ways you can!

1. Fuel your Body
While you're studying for your exams and finishing your final projects, be sure to fuel your. body with plenty of water and healthy foods to keep yourself going! You'll have more energy and be able to get through the week if you take good care of your body along the way!

2. Share Gratitude for the Semester
As you look back on the semester, reminisce on all of the good memories you shared with your friends and write town your top five moments from the semester. It'll remind you of all of the good times you had throughout the semester and it'll be fun to look back on over the summer, too!

3. Get Plenty of Sleep
Lots of water, fruits and vegetables will certainly be a great start to keeping your body fueled throughout the week, but there's nothing quite like getting enough sleep to increase energy and motivation! In between studying, be sure to take naps and. go to bed on time!

4. Do a fun activity with a sister
In between all of your studying, find a fun activity in Auburn and enjoy it with a sister! Whether it's dinner in Opelika, shopping downtown, or grabbing an ice cold lemonade from Toomer's, do something to break the long study hours and enjoy our quaint little town.

5. Finish Strong
Finally, and arguably one of the most important tips... Finish Strong!! In your classes, relationships, and everything in between, finish the semester strong!

Have a great summer and we'll see you in the fall!!


5 Things to Do in Auburn Over the Summer


Panhellenic Scholar of the Month: April