Spring 2022 Panhellenic Grade Report

Auburn Panhellenic recognizes the importance of striving in education; it is one of the main pillars of sorority life at our university. Each chapter works diligently in their studies.  

Just as our Code of Ethics states, “The members of the Panhellenic Council stand for academic excellence, social responsibility, leadership, and service to our college campus and community.” 

The Panhellenic Grade Point Average of the Spring 2022 semester was 3.45, whereas the undergraduate women’s GPA was a 3.35. Without the hard work of each and every member in all 18 of the Panhellenic sororities, this this achievement would not have been possible. We are so proud of our community of women.  

We would now like to recognize the top 5 chapters with highest GPA’s for the 2022 spring semester. Congratulations!  

Top 5 

  1. Alpha Gamma Delta 

  2. Chi Omega 

  3. Alpha Omicron Pi  

  4. Delta Gamma 

  5. Alpha Chi Omega 

*For further information on other sorority GPA’s, please visit http://greeklife.auburn.edu/reports/. 


Spring 2022 Panhellenic Points Winners


Women’s Equality Day