Loving Others

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the month of February? Most of us think of love, Valentine's Day, or relationships, but this month does not have to be about a significant other. Last year, when February was approaching, I did what most people do and became annoyed at the thought of Valentine’s Day. But I realized I didn’t want my entire month to be determined by this one holiday. After realizing this, I started to look at Valentine’s Day in a new way: a way of loving others and myself.

Valentine’s Day is so much more than just chocolates, love notes, and sweethearts. When talking about love, I like to look at the second commandment that Jesus gives us about loving your neighbor as yourself. He specifically states, “Love your neighbor as yourself there is no commandment greater than these.” This day is about much more than just celebrating a significant other; it encourages people to go out of their way to love others.

So, as Valentine’s Day approaches, I challenge you to look at the holiday as a way to help and care for others. Whether they be your significant other or a random person on the street, being able to go out of your way to love and care for them is how we help spread love. You shouldn’t look at Valentine’s Day as an annoying holiday. Instead, we should use the time we have to spread our love for one another. I wish everyone a safe and blessed week!

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34

- Karleigh, Director of Spiritual Life


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