Embracing Change

I am still in disbelief that it is the fall semester now, summer went by way too quick. The school year comes with so many new changes whether that’s with friends, moving, or majors. It’s easy to forget that with each passing semester something looks different. Last year around this time I was running New Member meetings for my chapter, I was attending exec meetings and pouring out to all the incoming freshman. This year I just finished serving as a Pi Chi and entered back into my chapter seeing so many women run home while also reminded that I am now a Senior and will be graduating soon. My life looks completely different than it did a year ago, and so much has changed and so much is getting ready to change. Thankfully I have been equipped to handle change no matter how scary the changes may seem.  

No matter what change is happening in your life you are surrounded by hundreds of women in your chapter. These women are there to encourage you and lift you up. Many may be feeling the same things as you. You are in a powerful sisterhood of strong, supportive, and fantastic women. Lean on the people in your chapter and allow them to walk with you through whatever change you may be facing.  

Change can also start with new beginnings, new major, new house, new friends, new classes. All of these can come with new opportunities and fresh starts, they can also bring up fears or anxieties. It’s important to recognize that there are so many people who change their majors, have to move, or make new friends. At some point you had to do one of these things, and you made it through. The people around you are not having the “picture perfect college experience”. I’ve had friends who have changed their major three times, I’ve lived in 5 houses with 4 different groups of people during my four years at college. Change allows you to challenge yourself and grow in ways that you never thought were possible.  

Change can be scary but we are surrounded by women who will support you and encourage you throughout your times of change. Change during college is inevitable but you have a chapter of sisters who can help you navigate anything that comes your way. Embrace the change that comes your way, and lean on your sisters. All the change you have already been through has grown you into the person you are today, imagine who you’ll be in four years.  


James 1:17 “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” 

- Meghan, Director of Spiritual Life


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