“The Panhellenic Council strives through thought, word, and action, to uphold the traditions, fine standards, and values long held by Auburn women. The members of the Panhellenic Council stand for academic excellence, social responsibility, leadership, and service to our college campus and community. Panhellenic members believe that the highest level of trust should exist between individual chapters and their members, fostering a spirit of friendship and harmony. These are the ideals which will establish a legacy for future generations of Auburn women.”
A letter from the president:
War Eagle!
Welcome to a look into Auburn Panhellenic! Our community is made up of 18 chapters with over 6,400 members representing almost half of the undergraduate women on this campus. Panhellenic women live through thought, word, and action to create a positive impact on Auburn’s campus for members of the community both Greek and non-Greek.
Each chapter is comprised of young women from different backgrounds who come together through the sisterhood of being a Panhellenic woman. We strive to create a community that welcomes all, and I truly hope that you can find your home within one of our amazing chapters. Panhellenic stands for the finest ideals of Auburn women. Auburn University is a better place because of Panhellenic, and our women are better people because of Auburn Panhellenic. It is my greatest hope that you have or are able to experience that!
We are so proud of every single woman who makes up Panhellenic, and I hope you can learn a little more about Panhellenic through our website!
With joy,
Emmy Kay Snyder
Panhellenic President